FAQ - Frequently-Asked Questions

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What does periodization mean in weight training?
Periodization is the progression of the training load for a given program or "the science behind the reps and sets". In other words, periodization is the variation in repetitions, weight and number of sets for a specific period of time.

How is the "Microcycle" system used in your training?
The "microcycle" refers to a portion of a monthly training program; a typical "microcycle" lasts for a one week period. The "microcycle" system, along with periodization, is an efficient way to prevent your body from hitting a 'plateau'.

What are some benefits of weight training?
Weight training benefits include
  • Decreased level of "bad" cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and increased levels of "good" cholesterol
  • A mere 20 to 30 minutes, two to three times a week, can strengthen the immune system by as much 20 percent
  • Improved sensitivity to insulin, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the chances of developing type II diabetes
  • Stimulated release of human growth hormone, which is the hormone most responsible for delaying aging process and keeping the body lean and vibrant
  • Lowers chance of developing osteoporosis

How much does the body metabolism decline per decade as we age?
The metabolism declines by as much 10 to 30 percent per decade, due in large part to the loss of muscle mass.

Why is insulin important?
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by your body when you eat carbohydrates. It speeds nutrients to your muscles so they can repair themselves after a workout. It's during the repair phase that your muscles actually grow. Bottom line: Without insulin, your muscles can't grow. And without carbs, you can't get insulin.

Sports drinks or water?
Drink sports drinks only if your workout is strenuous and lasts more than one hour or if you sweat profusely. Otherwise, water is a better choice - you may consume more calories from an energy drink than you would burn during your workout. Drink 16 ounces of water before and after exercising and small amounts every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

What are the major functions of the cardiovascular system?
The cardiovascular system is responsible for
  • Distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the cells
  • Carrying carbon dioxide and metabolic waste from the cells
  • Protecting against disease
  • Helping regulate body temperature
  • Preventing serious blood loss after injury; the formation of clots

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